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Pros and Cons of Eating Sunflower Seeds

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Sunflower seeds are rich in fiber, healthy fats, iron, proteins, and other vitamins. The seeds add healthy nutrition value to your diet and just like any other tasty snack, they should be eaten in moderation.

Sunflowers are eaten as a snack or smoothie and they come in a variety of flavors. You can add salt, ground sugar, cinnamon powder, or vanilla to boost flavor. These pros and cons will help you understand the health benefits of eating sunflowers and the effects of taking too much of them.



1. Prevents neural tube defects: Vitamin B component helps prevent neural tube defects in women of childbearing age. The Folate contained in the seeds helps improve the heart rate and boost one’s memory.

2. Prevents iron-deficiency diseases: Sunflower seeds make you feel energized and supply the body with iron minerals needed to make red blood cells and reduce iron-deficiency anemia.

3. Polyunsaturated fats: Sunflower is high in polyunsaturated fat which helps reduce heart attack, reduce stroke risk, and reduce blood pressure in individuals.

4. Energy production: Pantothenic acid component helps in the metabolism of body fats, proteins, and carbs into energy.

5. Wound healing: Vitamin B substances contributes to wound healing by repairing damaged cells in the body.

6. Anti-depressant: The level of magnesium contained in them helps lower your mood, ease your blood vessels as well as calm the muscles.

7. Sodium intake: It is suitable if you want to stop smoking. It helps you keep something in the mouth and suppress the urge to smoke.

8. Powerful antioxidant: Vitamin E contained in sunflower seeds acts as a powerful antioxidant that prevents free radicals from damaging the body’s healthy cells.

9. Aid in digestion: Fiber contained in the seeds promotes healthy bowel movement. It boosts the digestion process in the body.

10. Repair body tissue: Proteins acts as the bodybuilding blocks for muscle and bones. Proteins from sunflower seeds help in the creation, maintenance, and repairing of body tissues.


1. Excess saturated fat intake: Sunflower is rich in saturated fats and if taken in excess it leads to high levels of cholesterol in the body. More saturated fats can cause more problems.

2. Weight gain: Eating too much of the seeds will result in a lot of calories in the body causing unwanted weight gain. The healthy fats are good but will also increase your waistline if taken in large quantities.

3. Seasoned seeds: The oil, salt, and artificial flavor added to the seeds are not good especially if you have high blood pressure.

4. High blood pressure: High intake of sunflower seeds increases the amount of sodium intake in the body. Exceeding daily sodium intake results in high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

5. Kidney damage: High qualities of Phosphorous nutrients from the sunflower seeds cause serious problems. Phosphorous toxicity leads to kidney damage.

6Selenium nutrient side effects: High quantity of selenium toxicity results in hair loss, brittle nails, skin rashes, fatigue, and in extreme cases, they can cause death.

7Excess salt: Sunflower seeds are loaded with too much salt can result in heart and kidney problems.

8. Retain water: Roasted sunflowers can cause water retention in the body which may cause other health issues like bloating and other conditions.

9. Heartburn: Roasted sunflower seeds can cause heartburn to some people. People who have gastritis and ulcer conditions should take the seeds with caution.

10. Dental issues: Cracking the sunflower shells could lead to dental problems like the destruction of tooth enamel or sometimes lead to the formation of tartar.

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  1. Kenneth mason


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