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Pros and Cons of Dress Code

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The dress code has been a topic of discussion in many institutions and there are those in favor as well as against it. A dress code is written rules in regard to the mode of clothing a particular individual or group of employees or students should wear at the workplace or in school.

The dress code is not only used for formal reasons but can also apply in informal occasions like when attending a certain party or in sports. Based on the occasion, the dress code will have a social significance. This article highlights the pros and cons of a dress code to help learn why it’s important.


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1. Uniformity: In schools, the dress code maintains uniformity among the students and minimizes outward differences among the students.

2. Maintain discipline and order: Most schools and colleges use a certain dress code as a way of maintaining order and unity among the students.

3. Look professional: The dress code in the workplace enables employees to look more professional and maintain a certain professional image. The level of professionalism varies from one industry to another.

4. To differentiate ranks and positions: There are various dress codes that are used to give a clear distinction between different ranks and positions of people within the workplace. In a hospital, the dress code differentiates nurses from doctors.

5. Shows unity and seriousness: Having a unique and smart dress code for the employees shows the seriousness of the company. It also sends a strong message of unity and teamwork within the organization.

6. Gives an impression of excellence: The way employees dress carries a message of personality and their traits and behavior within the workplace.

7. Less pressure deciding what to wear: Since there are already set rules on specific clothing to wear, there will be less pressure deciding what to wear each morning.

8. Not judged by fashion police: Having a dress code reduces the social conflict of being judged based on what you wear. It will also reduce disparity among people of different economic sections.

9. Reduces individual attention: A standardized dress code reduces attention from the office attention seekers or those who like to show off one’s fashion.

10. Safety in the workplace: Wearing a uniform, protective clothing, gloves, and headgears ensures employees’ safety in the workplace when handling chemicals or dealing with equipment.



1. Resistance: Introducing a dress code in the workplace may be met with resistance. Employees may feel uncomfortable wearing the uniform like school children.

2. No self-expression: Individuals like to express themselves based on how they wear and what makes them feel comfortable. Restricting employees to a certain dress code limits their creativity and makes them feel stuck.

3. Boring: Having a dress code may make employees feel bored and this can affect their confidence in the workplace which can lead to a decline in their efficiency and productivity.

4. Lack of individuality: Everyone is unique and having a dress code for all may make them feel they are equal and this will lead to a lack of uniqueness and freedom to choose what to wear.

5. Expensive: A complicated design may be expensive and time-consuming to prepare. The dress code for school students may turn out to be expensive for the parents who have more than one school-going kid.

6. Negative attitude: Employees and students may have negative attitudes towards the uniform and this defeats its purpose of having the dress code.

7. Uncomfortable for some: People who love dressing in certain clothing may feel uncomfortable wearing school uniforms or standardized clothing. Discomforts in the workplace may create self-esteem issues and affect coordination.

8. It teaches people to conform and obedience: Having a dress code teaches people how to conform and be obedient to a certain authority instead of being adaptive, creative, and learning how to wear respectful and professional.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Adrian C

    Who is Admin, for the author i ask for maybe a semi-specific name. Maybe just the first name?



  3. Jennifer

    Most of the cons were very typical. Please add on because I am doing a school research project and I need more info than this. Also, I need the authors name to give credit to. Otherwise, this article is useless for research.

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