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Pros and cons of 401-K retirement plan


For those who may need to save some resources in preparation of old-age in the United States of America, a 401-K retirement plan is one of the most viable options. It’s a tax-deferred and well-outlined contribution retirement plan. An employer is allowed to craft a suitable plan to help employees voluntarily contribute a share of their compensation on pre-tax bases. This plan has been in existence in the United States since 1978 and has with time gained foundation. Many citizens have gained and benefited largely in their elderly age from this plan. Its merits include:


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1. Offers high contribution limits: this plan offers large limits to realize greater profits. With time one can increase his or her contributions up to the maximum with the help of bonuses that may be achieved.

2. Possible financial crisis withdrawals: one can request for withdrawal of his monies in case of a very urgent situation that needs funds.

3. Funds are under federal protection: your plan`s critical information is extremely secured within the legal frameworks. Funds are also under close guard.

4. Enables matching of funds be employers: Most employers will offer much funding which can boost their accumulative income. This is done at no cost of the employee. The employee salary determines the amount earned from fund matching.

5. Guidance by providers of the plan: One can seek opinions and guidance about investments one can undertake under this plan from the plan provider without an.

6. Tax benefits are realized: the plan follows a tax-deferral system thus lesser taxes incurred during actual investments.

7. Flexible: one can contribute depending on the salary earned. With an increase in income from other investments and dividends, more money can be channeled to this retirement plan for a better future.

8. Increased benefits from the employer: Employers can connect the contributions of employees to a profit-distributive deal which increases the employees` motivation to obligate themselves to the productivity of the firm.

9. Greater control by employees: Employees are included in investment plans by their employer.

10. Greater profits if successful: there is an accumulative increase in benefits from both the employees’ side and the employer. The employee may strike a good profit sharing deal which would see him earn more if the entire plans are successful.



1. Expensive account charges: those in charge of the plan may request a relatively high fee to keep your funds and investments alive. Other programs related to your accounts may influence the amount you pay to get some services done. one is left with the choice of choosing a very suitable method of reducing such expenses.

2. Few investments option available: Unlike other determined plans like IRAs that offer a broader choice of investments, in 401ks retirement plan one has fewer options to choose from. One can only maximize profits for the currently available options.

3. Huge early withdrawal fees. Withdrawing your money in early stages will see a person encounter large fees. This may be sometimes is very hard for those who might have this plan as a backup for the financial crisis. To add to this, withdrawals made before the retirement age must undergo heavy penalties which are limitations to the person and are only achievable under serious financial emergencies.

4. May encounter structural faults: with unpredictably changing markets shares or dollar indices might fluctuate with changes in trade patterns. It’s thus a risky affair to invest in shares with an aim of earning great profits from it.

5. May encounter loss: the investment between the employees is not always necessarily a sure win. Loses may face huge investments which may delay any prospect of success by both the employee and the employer. In case of such, the employee may face difficulties at old age if he or she had heavily depended on the investment.

6requires proper system: To ensure successful implementation of this plan a well-structured system must be put in place to curb losses. If a clearly defined system is absent then the investments under this plan might face challenges.

7. Requires total commitment: both the employer and employee must be ready to work to the success of their plan within the set schedule. None of the parties should be neglected or assumed to ensure that the plan is successful.

8. Maybe influenced by the change of government policies: Government may impose certain dynamic changes that may require more charges on the plan service or plan providers which would have effects on the employee.

7. May eliminate pension benefits: If you choose this plan, the employer might strike a deal that might fail to secure pension benefits.

8. Requires patience: One cannot just withdraw the funds accumulated until the retirement age is reached. The markets might also disappoint the investments under this plan.

9. Trusted by few: this investment is trusted by few aged people because some think that is risking their future.

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