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Pros and cons of bigtoe fusion

Big toe fusion is a type of surgery that treats big toe arthritis with symptoms of stiffness, swelling, and inflammations. Big toe fusion surgery is carried out under a general anesthetic administered post-operatively around the operated area.


Pros of big toe fusion

1. Stable: Big toe fusion is considered the most effective surgery. This type of surgery is permanent and satisfying. The surgery involves the use of screws, wires, pins, and metals, which makes the joint stable and painless.

2. Durable: Big toe fusion is a type of surgery that brings a lasting reduction of pain. It’s permanent.

3. Happiness: Big toe fusion reduces discomfort and pain, thus making one happier.

4. The toe doesn’t shorten: Big toe fusion is done in a way that ensures the toe doesn’t shorten with time.

5. Comfort: This type of surgery allows one to be comfortable in footwear and reduces pain, hence making one more comfortable.


Cons of big toe fusion.

1. Immobile joint: Big toe fusion disables joint movement. This type of surgery makes one unable to push off with the big toe when taking a step.

2. Numbness: Big toe fusion can sometimes affect the nerves of your toes, which can cause pain or numbness.

3. Pulmonary embolism: Pieces of the clot in the leg can break off and accumulate in the lungs, causing pulmonary embolism. This can be prevented by elevating the foot when you sit.

4. Difficulty getting the wound to heal: The wound might take a lot of time to heal. If you are not careful enough when handling the wound, you might experience difficulties getting the wound to heal. If not well handled, one might have complications.

5. Fewer shoe options: After the big toe fusion, there’s no joint motion. One is therefore advised to wear a stiff-soled or wedged shoe for a period of about six weeks after the surgery.

6. Bleeding: Just like any other type of surgery, one can end up losing a lot of blood. This happens after the surgery if not properly handled in big toe fusion surgery.

7. Less contact to the floor: After the big toe fusion surgery, you are advised not to put the toe on the floor as it might cause complications.

8. InfectionFortunately, deep infection is not always common after this type of surgery. Those suffering from diabetes and smokers are said to be at a higher risk of getting infections after the surgery. In most cases, the toe might feel hot, and one might experience a fever or even ooze from the wound. In case you experience this, you’re supposed to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

9. Swelling: Swelling might occur when you sit with the leg down. Sitting with your leg down can cause pain and also make it difficult for the wound to recover because of the swelling. You are supposed to sit with your leg elevated.

10. Stiffness: This type of surgery makes the big toe stiff than it was before the surgery.

11. Malunion: It sometimes happens, although such cases are very rare because the surgeon is always keen when carrying out the surgery. Malunion is when the toe heals in the wrong position. This can be corrected.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. feetlover

    I love that picture

  2. Michelle

    My doctor informed me that I need a big toe fusion. He also said the joint below the big toe in the foot was “shot”. Not the joint with the big toe. Does the fusion alleviate the pain in the whole foot? I had chiolectomy(excuse the spelling) three years ago and that’s why the bone where he shaved down the “knot” is shot. Plus I have a bone spur on it. I’m concerned that I will still have pain in the foot.

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