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Pros and Cons of Composting

Compositing is the process of decomposing materials to form organic materials used to improve the soil’s nutrients. In this process, various compostable materials are used to make the compost. They may include residential, agricultural, and commercial waste streams. There are three types of composting: Vermicomposting, Aerobic composting, and anaerobic composting. Firstly, in aerobic composting, the air is introduced to catalyze the breaking down of material faster. Secondly, in anaerobic composting, the materials are allowed to compose without introducing any external catalyze in this type. Lastly, Vermicomposting is a composting material that uses worms, moisture, and oxygen to catalyze the breaking down of materials and results in few odors.

Additionally, compost is a by-product of composting, has many uses and importance to the farm. For instance, it is used as fertilizer to improve soil fertility and correct the soil’s amount of moisture.


Pros of composting

1. Enriches soil- composite manure, a by-product of composting, has nutrients greatly needed by the soil. Therefore, by adding it to the soil, the soil can improve its fertility.

2. Environmental friendly- composting is a process that is environmentally friendly as no chemicals are involved, and it helps in reducing waste that is in turn used in making manure.

3. Cost-effective- composting makes farming an easy practice as less cost is involved. It reduces the need to purchase synthetic additives and fertilizers. Also, the process of making it is cheaper as only waste materials are required.

4. Improves water retention ability- adding the composite materials to the soils improves its structure and textile. By doing so, the soil can retain water for a longer period.

5. Easy to prepare requires a simple procedure such that anyone can compost as no skilled personnel is required. Also, little equipment is required to prepare the composite.


Cons of compositing

1. Not a perfect fertilizer- though it is used as a natural fertilizer, composite is not a perfect fertilizer for the soil. It has few nutrients compared to the manufactured fertilizers. Therefore, it needs to be used together with other artificial fertilizers.

2. Time and energy-consuming- composting is a process that greatly consumes a lot of time and energy from collecting the materials until when they are fully decomposed.

3. It is stinky- during compositing, an awful smell is produced that makes the environment around the pit inhabitable. This nasty smell also can lead to the infestation of rodents and bugs.

4. Only for decomposing materials- this process only requires organic materials that will easily decompose, unlike in preparing artificial fertilizer where all kinds of materials are used. This makes it limited to only nutrients that are found in organic materials.

5. Need space- composing these materials requires spaces that may not be available to all, which poses a great challenge.

6. Need to be monitored- compositing is a process that takes a long period. During this period, regular monitoring of the composite pit is needed to ensure your pet has an optimal temperature.

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