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Pros and Cons of Accutane

Pros and Cons of Accutane

Accutane is a drug that is used to cure and treat nodular acne. It is used in pill form, and it is prescribed to be used for 15-20 weeks. Acne and pimples develop when excess oil blocks the skin pores. Accutane shrinks the pores by reducing the rate and amount of oil produced by the skin pores, thus unblocking the skin pores. However, Accutane has side effects for users such as dry lips, joint pain, hair loss, skin peeling and increased sun sensitivity.

Pros of Accutane

Below are some of the advantages of using Accutane to cure acne:

1. Reduction of skin oil production. One main cause of pimples and acne in the skin is the production of excess oil by skin glands. The extra fat clogs the skin pores, thus resulting in pimples and acne. When the victim administers the Accutane drugs, the drug reduces the oil production rate and improves the working of the skin glands. This helps to cure and prevent future risks of acne and pimples.

2. Alleviates inflammation. Pimples and acne are a result of skin inflammation. Abnormal processes in the skin gland cause skin inflammation. When a victim administers Accutane, the drug is likely to calm inflammation of the skin glands and improve the functioning of the skin glands.

3. Increases cell turnover. Skin pores are responsible for producing cells that give the skin a soft touch. When the cells are produced at a low rate, the skin will likely suffer from pimples and other skin disorders. Accutane plays a significant role in catalyzing the process of producing new skin cells. The new cells produced are free from skin disorders, thus reducing pimples on the face.

4. Reduction of skin bacteria. Bacteria are likely to affect the production of cells and other skin processes. When you take Accutane drugs, the skin can get rid of these bacteria. This promotes skin growth and the production of new skin cells to replace the affected cells. Therefore, Accutane ensures the skin is free from bacteria causing acne and pimples.

5. Source of vitamin A. Accutane drugs are rich in Vitamin A, which benefits our skin. When one takes these drugs, the skin oil gland will likely shrink, and the cell production rate is improved. Vitamin A increases the rate of production of skin cells. Thus, the dead cells are replaced by new cells. This ensures the skin is free from the side effects of accumulated dead cells in the skin pores. In addition, vitamin A regulates the production of oil and the release of sweat from glands. When there is a frequent release of sweat from the skin pores, the skin can quickly get rid of bacteria, causing inflammation.

6. Improves severe cystic acne. Cystic acne is severe acne that does not quickly heal. When no skin care and treatment options work on cystic acne, Accutane helps to improve and alleviate cystic acne pains. Accutane helps shrink cystic acne and catalyzes the production of new cells to replace the dead cells.

7. Prevent future severe symptoms of acne. Once the acnes are treated, either they disappear for good, or they may come back again. Administering Accutane drugs helps avoid future severe problems associated with acne. Therefore, future pimples and acne are not likely to be intense.

8. Improved Skin condition. The drugs have the effect of improving the skin condition and its texture. Accutane contains Vitamin A supplements, which are essential in improving skin conditions.

9. Solution to ageing skin. Ageing skin is a condition that affects older people, and sometimes it may affect young people. This condition may cause the skin to wrinkle and have pimples. Accutane drugs may play a vital role in fixing this disorder. Accutane improves the condition of sweat glands and skin pores, thus making the skin firm.

Cons of Accutane

Here are the disadvantages and side effects associated with Accutane:

1. Severe skin dryness. One of the side effects of using these Accutane drugs is the dryness caused to the skin and lips. To shrink the pimples in the skin, the drugs act as dehydrating agents. Therefore, they draw water and excess oil from the skin to unclog the skin pores. This process leads to skin and lips dryness.

2. Skin rashes. While administering these drugs, skin rashes and irritation is common. As the drugs dehydrate the skin, it causes dryness in the skin. The skin dryness is responsible for skin rashes and irritation.

3. Increased sensitivity to ultraviolet rays. The oils in the skin act as sunscreen against excess sun rays. Accutane drugs have the effect of reducing the amount of oil from the skin pores. When the excess oils are removed from the skin, the skin cannot reduce the intensity of rays penetrating the body. This increases the risk of skin cancer for the victim.

4. Birth defects. Accutane drugs can affect the unborn child and give rise to other birth defects. Women and pregnant ladies should take these drugs under doctor’s prescriptions. In addition, women are advised to be on birth control before taking these drugs.

5. Muscle pain. Accutane affects the normal function of muscle cells in the body. This is likely to result in muscle pain. The drugs can catalyze the rate at which the muscle produces and controls its cells. The increased rate leads to muscle pain.

6. Headaches. While on these drugs, Accutane, the victim is likely to have a non-stop headache. Accutane affects the normal functioning of body cells and is likely to cause nerve stress, which results in headaches.

7. Causes increased thirst. Accutane act as a dehydrating agent on the skin. It draws excess water from the skin pores and sweat glands to fix acne defects. This reduces the amount of water in the body, thus causing increased thirst in the victim.

8. Insomnia. Insomnia is a sleeping disorder that is associated with the inability to sleep. Accutane drugs are likely to affect the brain’s functioning, leading to insomnia.

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