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Pros and cons of GMO

Genetically modified (GM) foods are organisms that have had new genes added to themselves from other organisms. This is usually done to increase the overall food production and increase the yields of the crop within a given area. However, GMOs have their own advantages and disadvantages as discussed below.

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1. GMOs can be tailored to provide better health benefits: GMOs have been engineered to include additional nutrients in foods that may offer additional health benefits that may not be available to the crop originally.

2. Increased shelf life: GMO foods have a higher shelf life as opposed to the naturally growing foods. This is because the additional genes added to the foods are meant to increase the shelf life of the foods.

3. Less land for more food: GMO foods have the ability to produce much more yields than the normal foods. For this reason, it is easier to harvest more crops in a smaller pieced of land with GMO foods than with the normal foods.

4. Conserve energy, soil and water resources: GMO foods have additional genes added to them that increases the overall yields and even nutrients. While at it, they end up using much less resources such as water and other soil nutrients.

5. Simple changes may have major impacts:
With GMO foods and other organisms, simple changes to the crop structure may have major impacts on the crop in terms of yields and seed quality.

6. Fewer harmful agents will be applied to crops: GMO crops are more resistant to pests, weeds, and other threats. That means farmers have less of a need to apply pesticides or herbicides to their crops, which saves them money and potentially increases the health benefits of the food being grown.

7. Crops can be protected from extinction: GMOs have for a long time been used to improve crop quality and crop resistance to external agents such as weeds and so on. This has played an important role protecting the organisms from extinction.

8. GMO can eliminate food allergies: The additive genes that are added to the GM organisms can also help in reducing some of the allergies that are associated with the foods. This may help improve the health benefits of the crop.

9. GMOs use less water: Genetically modified organisms have genes that allow them to grow and produce foods with much less nutrients from the soil and water.

10. Positive environmental impact: GMO also have a positive impact on the environment in which they grow since they improve the soil quality.



1. Antibiotic resistance: Some of the additive genes on these crops may end up causing resistance to antibiotic treatments and this may result in some health issues with the human body.

2. Greater legal liability: Most of the farmers who deal with GMOs have a much greater legal liability than those of regular crops. Because many of the crops and seeds that produce GMO crops are patented, farmers that aren’t even involved in growing these foods are subjected to a higher level of legal liability.

3. Genes go into different plant species: The genes used in GMOs may sometimes find themselves into the soil and into other crops that grow in the same soil. This may affect the growth and production of these crops.

4. Independent research is not allowed: There are a few companies that produce GMOs. This has limited the amount of research that can be done to improve the body of knowledge associated with GMOs.

5. Increased risk of allergies:
In some extreme cases, the added gens in GMOs may increase the chances of allergies associated with these foods and this may affect the health of the consumers.

6. It may affect animal protein: GM foods may sometimes be consumed by animals. When this happens, it may end up affecting the composition of the animal protein that may negatively affect human health.

7. It encourages the use of additional herbicides: GMOs always encourages the use of additional herbicides that may have a negative impact on the soil.

8. It creates super weeds: The additives put in the soil and the foods that are genetically modified may find their way into the soil and into other plants such as weeds. This may end up creating resistant weeds that refuse to go away.

9. It is not a solution to everything: GMO is not always the solution to everything. In some cases, it may fail to play the role it was meant to play.

10. Unusual food taste: The modified genes in foods may sometimes affect the original taste of the foods that grow genetically.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. popopop

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! now i dont want to eat GMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FOODZ EVER AGAIN >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.

    1. Gianna Dively

      Same bro. did you know that GMOs tear your stomach and intestinal lining. so disgusting. I cannot believe people would even put that in the world.

      1. Blake

        How do GMOs, simply genetically modified organism, tear your stomach lining. You do realize that every. single. thing you eat is a GMO right? Bananas naturally look like the one on the right. Corn and broccoli both evolved from the same plant, engineered genetically through human selection to get the modified version they{Humanity} wanted.

  2. Correct Opinion

    GMO foods can help solve world hunger. In many 3rd world countries, gmo’s are a huge life safer. Organic farmer does not work there due to crazy climates and sue to not have advanced farming equipment. Because of gmo’s, third world countries will be able to grow enough healthy crops to feed everyone and for cheaper. The world makes enough food a day to feel 13 billion people and yet we only have 6 billion people on the Earth. Why do we still have world hunger? Shipping prices are too high which would not be beneficial to 3rd world countries because then their citizens would have to pay ridiculous amounts for their food to pay for the fee, when they could just use gm crops to have enough food.

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