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Pros and Cons of Kale

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Kale is an extremely healthy vegetable with curled leaves and a fairly bitter taste and it will make an excellent addition to your diet. Kales are high in proteins, calcium, and vitamins making it the best superfood that shouldn’t miss in your shopping trolley. It is rich in nutrients that have numerous health benefits. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of kale.


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1. Assist indigestion: Kale is high in fiber and water which help indigestion. They prevent constipation and promote a healthy digestive tract.

2. High glucosinolate content: Kale is high in antioxidants with anti-cancer properties. The Sulphur compounds found in the vegetable help in the detoxification process.

3. Nutritious: Kale is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fiber. It also contains more iron and calcium than the equivalent weight of steak and milk. You can get vitamins A, C, and K in one serving of Kales.

4. Brain development: Adding kale to your diet helps in the brain development of unborn children. The folate components prevent birth defects and promote a healthy birth weight.

5. Protection against diabetes: The high amount of fiber and antioxidants in the kale reduce blood glucose levels to type-1 diabetes.

6. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease: Vitamin B6 and C, fiber, and potassium in kale reduce heart disease. An increasing amount of potassium in the body reduces the risk of heart disease. Potassium also reduces the risk of stroke and lowers blood pressure.

7. Protect muscle loss: Potassium not only helps in heart health but also protects against muscle loss and also preserves bone mineral density.

8. Prevent the risk of cancer: Chlorophyll from Kale and other green vegetables prevents the body from absorbing heterocyclic amines from grilling animal-derived foods which can cause cancer. The chlorophyll prevents the body from absorbing those chemicals reducing the risk of cancer.

9. Healthy skin and hair: The nutrients in kale help in the growth of body tissue and promote healthy skin and hair. The sebum oil produced keeps the skin and hair moisturized.

10. Weight loss: kale contains components essential for weight loss. It helps reduce cholesterol levels and has no fat. The fiber and protein in kale provide nutrients essential for weight loss.


1. Suppress thyroid health: If you’re suffering from hypothyroidism, you should avoid kale because it suppresses the thyroid by interfering with the level of iodine in the body.

2. Kidney issues: Too much potassium from the consumption of kale can affect individuals with a non-fully functional kidney. Kales should be consumed in moderation to avoid too much potassium.

3. Bloating and stomach upsets: When kale is eaten raw, it leads to stomach bloating or upset stomach since it will be difficult to digest raw kale.

4. High in pesticides: Conventionally grown kale has a high amount of pesticides which can have a negative effect on the body. You should look for organic kale to enjoy all nutrients.

5. Blood clot: Kales are rich in vitamin K which encourages blood clot and if you’re taking anticoagulant medication to thin blood, you should avoid kale since it causes blood to clot.

6. Cause dehydration: Taking too much kale can increase the frequency of urination to allow the body to get rid of toxins and this can cause dehydration and dry mouth.

7. Allergic reactions: Numerous nutrients in kale can cause some allergic reactions to some people who are allergic to kale like swollen eyes, nausea, skin rashes, and itchy throat.

8. Too much fiber affects your stomach: Although the fiber in kale helps in digestion, too much fiber in the body leads to poor absorption of nutrients, indigestion, or bloating especially if you don’t take enough water.

9. Cause hypoglycemic: Taking a lot of kale decreases blood sugar level giving rise to hypoglycemic condition and also interfering with medication for diabetic people.

10. Hypotension: High amount of potassium can lower blood pressure giving rise to hypotension which causes fatigue, dizziness, lightheadedness, and depression.

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