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Pros and Cons of absolute monarchy

Absolute monarchy is a type of government where the ruler is not restricted or restrained by the laws, constitutions, or regulations. Several counties in the world still recognize and practice this form of government—for example, the pope of the Vatican in an absolute monarchy leadership. Once elected, a pope has authority over the church and the people.

Absolute monarchy can be advantageous but also disadvantageous. Here, we give you the pros and cons of absolute monarchy.

Pros of Absolute Monarchy

1. An absolute monarchy military tends to be stronger. An absolute monarchy is known to form and hold a strong military defense force to protect their country from harm. The military is meant to protect the family, which in turn protects the people and the land. Most monarchies have rules that require non-disabled individuals from all families to serve a minimum time in their military. With this, everyone participates in the wellbeing and safety of their country.

2. Laws can be passed faster. In an absolute monarchy, laws can be passed faster to adapt to current and ever-changing circumstances. There are no parliamentary sittings or a body to drag the process of passing a bill to law. It is a hands-on government as the monarch’s words are law. Some countries find this system good as there will be no squabbling or misunderstandings over what is right or wrong.

3. One consistent leader when it comes to international negotiations. Monarchies have a face that is associated with the final decision-making in the international market. If the leader is not around, there may be a familiar and consistent face known to represent the monarchy.

4. Absolute monarchy allows long-term goals of a society to be planned and implemented. Monarchy families stay in power through generations. It enables them to see through specific agendas and projects to completion.

5. Absolute monarchies save a lot of resources and money. In an absolute monarchy government, a lot of money is saved that would have otherwise been spent on other activities. Money will not be spent on elections as is done in many democratic and republic countries. The money can be redirected to help other sectors and the needs of the economy.

6. Absolute monarchy offers stability. An absolute monarchy government is unlikely to face or be surpassed by a coup. It is not the case with most federal governments. In dire situations such as war or a pandemic, this government usually gathers and stays steady.

7. It calls for political unity. An absolute monarchy motivates political unity—extreme political shifts end to be prevented, which is not the case with other types of governments.

8. Leadership is taught from birth. Monarchy leaders are trained to lead hence have a defined line of succession.

9. It removes the difficulties that come with democracy. An absolute monarchy government removes the perils of democracy, which may hinder growth, development, and stability. The shortcomings of majoritarianism are prevented as the power is central.

Cons of absolute monarchy

1. It often leads to grave injustice. In an absolute monarchy, equality is not a given. Most times, those in close contact with the royal family may get favors. Most low-class citizens are treated poorly and receive fewer privileges. They may be overlooked when making decisions that help society.

2. Most absolute monarchies may lack the binding factor that is associated with humanism. A monarch government may be a welfare state, a religious state, or even a state based on ethnicity, race, and language. Here, humanism may not be the most binding factor. It may lead to basic human rights exploitations.

3. Probability of facing bad leadership and crippling society. Despite leaders of absolute monarchies being trained from birth, there is always a probability of a bad leader. Such a leader may cripple an excelling society when making laws as their word would be final. Such a leader may have a challenge in providing for the society and concentrate on funneling state resources towards personal wealth.

4. Absolute monarchies have an increased probability of societal rebellion. Absolute monarchies are generational in a given family. They can stay in power for as long as the people allow it. Some monarchies may rule with fear, intimidation, and oppression. It may prompt people to rebel against the leadership. These rebellions tend to be deadly and violent as both sides strive to retain or take control.

5. The line of leadership in absolute monarchy is already established. Societies with monarchies have a clear line of succession, and people have no say on who gets to be the next leader. It increases the chances of people rebelling when they lose interest or are repressed by the ruling family. Furthermore, these lines of succession may be disadvantageous as some leaders may be forced into the role even when they do not want to rule. It can be a bane to society as it may be unable to remove an ineffective leader.

6. The military can be used against a society that loses the ruling family favor. With a strong military force to protect the nation comes a great deal of limitations. The military can be used against the general population to enforce laws.

7. Absolute monarchies may concentrate on popularity as a component of governing. Royal families have to remain popular and pleasing to the society they govern. You may find them concentrating on issues that make them popular while they overlook other sectors. In the end, it will concentrate less on what the people need and more on what will keep the y\royal family popular enough to remain the power for a long time.

8. It may lead to tyranny. For a monarch leader, it is very easy to be blinded by authority. The leader may turn out to be an unstoppable tyrant. It may lead to many people suffering, the nation in ruins, and a rise in riots.

9. Lack of diversity. A single ruling family may lack the diversity that comes with a government. Therefore, it faces a challenge of lack of representation of all classes and different communities.

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