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Pros and Cons of Censorship

Censorship is where the government controls some type of information by withholding it from the public. It has been used and continues to be used all over the world for various reasons.

Many believe and also think that censorship is what is best for the good of the country. Whereas others think that it is a gross violation of our first amendments rights with the advent of internet and technology.

Censorship has taken it to a notch higher. Nowadays it is not only imposed and practiced on print, speech, and televisions but also in cyberspace.


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1. It exists not to curtail the freedom of the people but to protect them. Censorship regulation, especially on the internet, can keep people particularly the children from exposure to phonography materials and racial discrimination.

2. It can minimize risk in national security. Censorship is very important because it keeps certain sectors of people from gaining access to information that put the security of the nation out in the open.

3. It prevents the airing of too much violence which can pollute the minds of the individuals. Proponents are pushing for censorship because it limits the exposure of people and children to violent and vulgar television shows. They believe the shows can have an impact on the minds of individuals.

4. It can help parents in the raising of their children despite their busy schedules. Parents are not always there to monitor what their children are watching or the website they are visiting when they are online. In fact, limiting the channels will assure parents that their children are accessing the right sites.

5. It prevents certain groups of people from getting offended. Censorship helps prevent offending others otherwise, people behind television shows, newspapers and products will be irresponsible. They will be bold in the use of explicit words, scenes, and tactics so as to get what they want.

6. Helps to prevent conflict. It greatly reduces the number of conflicts within a country. Censoring hate helps to promote peace.

7. Removes sensitive military and government information from view. This is good because potential terrorists and those who want to do harm to the country cannot access them.

8. Prevents plagiarism. Plagiarism and pirating of content is a serious issue in the world today. This is largely due to the use of the internet and censoring can help prevent plagiarism.

9. Stop false advertisement. Censorship can stop companies that make extreme claims for their product in order to entice people to buy them.

10. Helps to control panic and fear. For instance, in an event of a political environment or world of economic disasters, the government can help stop the spread of rumors and lies.



1. Promote negative agendas. The politicians and other government officials can misisue their leadership position and promote negative agendas for the country.

2. Violates the rights of the Citizen. Censorship violates the right of citizens since everyone is entitled to free speech and the ability to express their views and concerns.

3. Used to inflict certain morals. Everyone thinks differently and has a different way of living their life.

4. Slows down innovation. Collaboration and funding have advanced many things. If censorship would truly happen, then ideas that would possibly save energy and resources could be stopped before they have a chance to begin.

5. Companies would control. Many think that the government would completely control the censorship of the information in the country. They also fail to realize that the companies have a place in the government.

6. It clearly is pro-dictatorship. Critics of Censorship argue that it is a platform dictators use to wreak havoc and fear on people especially in the time of civil unrest

7. It deprives the public information related to political and social issues. Censorship can be used by the powerful and influential people so as to hide vital information from the members of the society.

8. Loopholes in the enforcement of censorship make it ineffective. Despite numerous bills and laws against cybercrimes, illegal information can still break on cyberspace

9. Keeps people from progress and development. Censorship not only prevent people from experiencing the power of the internet or what it has to offer but also it will ensure there is less room for improvement.

10. Promote negative ideas. Manipulation of information will result in dissemination of inaccurate information. People will harbor negative ideas as well as know what is happening in the world.

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