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Pros and Cons of O Positive blood

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O positive blood type is the most common blood in almost 37% of the US population and the most transfused to patients who need it. The blood contains both A and B antibodies in the plasma but no antigens in the red blood cells. They can donate blood to patients with positive blood type since there are no antigens to react with the patient’s plasma.

Blood group O positive people have high strength, lean, and have a healthy reproductive mind. Taking a healthy diet and exercise regimen based on the blood type helps in reducing the chances of developing certain health conditions.

This article enlightens you on the pros and cons of the O positive blood group.


Table of Contents


1. Most common blood type: O positive is the most common and an incredible donor which maintains an adequate blood supply. One out of three persons have O positive blood and about 37.4% of the population has blood group 0 positive.

2. Venous-thromboembolism: Individuals with O blood type have a low risk of being infected with the venous-thromboembolism condition due to low levels of von Willebrand factor and VIII clotting factor.

3. Plasma type compatibility: O type blood group has A and B antibodies making it compatible to receive plasma from O, A, B, and AB. Type O plasma can only be given to type O recipients.

4. Blood donation: O positive individuals can receive blood donors from both O+ and O-. They can also donate blood to patients with O+, A+, B+, and AB+ blood types.

5. Low risk of pancreatic cancer: Compared to other blood types, people with blood type O have a lower risk of pancreatic cancer.

6. Personal traits: O positive blood type individuals are confident, intuitive, creative, decisive, and self-determined.

7. Well-built digestive system: They have the ability to digest both proteins and fats in the body. This increases their ability to efficiently metabolize animal-sourced cholesterol. It can easily heal any digestive tract issue.

8. Low risk of cholera infections: Individuals with blood group O positive are less likely to be susceptible to cholera but in case they suffer from it, they will have severe effects.



1. Mosquito magnet: An O-type blood attracts more mosquitoes than individuals with blood type A. Type O+ with the secretion of oligosaccharides from the skin attracts more mosquitos than type O non-secretors.

2. Insulin resistance: O blood type is associated with insulin resistance. The insulin that is released is not able to lower blood glucose. Blood group O people are at high risk of diabetes due to intolerance to carbs.

3. Peptic ulcers: You’re more susceptible to peptic ulcers which are caused by the H. pylori bacteria. H. pylori also increase the risk of gastric cancer infection.

4. High levels of adrenaline: Blood type O individuals have high adrenaline levels and should avoid taking alcohol and caffeine which increases the adrenaline.

5. Bad habits: O positive people are likely to be self-centered, very unpredictable, cold, high tempered, and workaholics.

6. Immediate anger response: Blood type O individuals are very hyperactive and have high temper tantrums and excessive anger.

7. Destructive behaviors: O blood type individuals can exhibit destructive behaviors when their depressed, tired or bored. This is caused by a synergistic relationship between their feelings and the release of dopamine hormone.

8. E. Coli infections: According to research conducted in Scotland, people with blood group O are more susceptible to higher rates of E. coli infection.

9. Poor performing thyroid: O positive blood type is associated with the poor performance of thyroid.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Kathi

    What about o blood type and covid

  2. daniel feleke

    what about o blood type and HIV

  3. Marieka Street

    Ok this is just flat wrong. And dangerous. People with Type O + blood have NO ANTIBODIES IN THEIR BLOOD ASIDE FROM THE RHESUS PROTEIN. The O basically stands for zero or null. They can only receive blood from people with O+ or O- blood. That’s it. However the can donate to A+, B+, AB+, and O+.
    You basically got AB+ and O+ mixed up.

    1. Jenna miles

      It actually means there are no A or B antigens on the surface of our red blood cells, but we have both A and B in the plasma. This is why O negative donors are univeral blood donors, but AB donors are universal plasma donors, as they have no antibodies in their plasma. Someone with O blood can only give plasma to other type o’s. O positive blood can be given to anyone who is rhesus positive, as there are no A or B antigens on the red blood cells, but there is the rhesus factor. O negative can be given to any blood type as there is no rhesus factor or antibodies on the surface of the red blood cells.

  4. taylor

    Inaccurate information regarding diabetes and possibly other things.

    1. richard

      probably inaccurate about personality traits too……like reading your horoscope

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