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Pros and Cons of C-Section to the Baby

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Caesarean section is a surgical procedure for delivery of the newborn. It can be an elective procedure or used when there is a risk to either mother or child. Just like any other surgical procedures, the pros and cons of C-section need to be considered.



1. Convenient and predictable: When the mother knows that she has some complications, the C-section is scheduled in advance thus they are already prepared. This reduces stress and all the agony of being in labor.

2. Reduce birth trauma to baby: Caesarean section reduces birth trauma to the baby sustained through vacuum extraction or from going through the birth canal.

3. Prevents infections: If the woman has an infection like HIV which could be passed to the baby, a C section is scheduled to minimize the risk of infection.

4. Medical condition: If the woman has a medical condition like high blood pressure or diabetes, a cesarean is performed in order to save the life of the mother and child.

5. The position of the baby: C section is carried out if the baby is not in heads down position and effort to turn the baby is unsuccessful. When the baby is too big it is difficult to pass through the mothers’ small pelvis thus a caesarian section is considered for safe delivery.

6. Save a life: If the baby is already tired in the womb or moving, a cesarean is the best option to save the life of the baby and that of the mother.

7. Reduce oxygen deprivation: Carrying out a C-section reduces the risks of oxygen deprivation to the baby during the delivery period.

8. Reduce incontinence: C-section helps avoid any post birth trauma and depression to both the mother and newborn.

9. Proper planning: Knowing that you will use C-section gives more control to plan for the baby, get a baby nurse and for any help you may need.

10. Reduce the time for delivery: C-section reduces the time it takes to take the baby out and avoid any fetus distress from the use of forceps.



1. Health complications: Babies born through C-section may have health complication compared to vaginal delivery of babies.

2. Babies born preterm: Compared to normal birth, the C-section delivery results to babies born preterm and the lungs are not fully developed. This results in admission into the nursery care.

3. No immediate skin to skin contact: C-section involves sedation of the mother thus there is no immediate skin to skin contact of the baby with the mother which is very beneficial for bonding.

4. Pain from sedating drugs: The drug used to sedate the mother affects the baby’s ability to latch on and also to breastfeed. Drugs used for anesthesia makes it difficult for the babies to also initiate in breastfeeding.

5. Late breastfeeding: Women who carry C-section do not begin breastfeeding immediately as compared to those who had a vaginal birth. Mothers take a long time to wake up due to sedatives administered prior surgery.

6. Low-birthweight infants: Babies born with less than 5 pounds are at high risk of long-term illness and also disabilities compared to the normal birthweight.

7. Death: Babies are more likely to die when born prematurely and with complications when using C-section delivery than when using vaginal delivery.

8. Breathing problems: Babies born through C section may develop a breathing problem which may result in asthma in early childhood.

9. Obese: There is also a great risk the baby will become obese at a young age and also as adults.

10. Nicked during surgery: There is a possibility of the baby being nicked during surgery and this may lead to severe conditions later in the child’s life.

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