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Pros and Cons of Communism

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Communism as a way of life has worked in some countries but has failed terribly in others. There are several advantages and disadvantages of this way of life as discussed below.


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1. Everyone gets the same chance: Excluding government officials for the practical application of Communism, it is a theory where everyone should receive the same chance to build a life for themselves. There aren’t any inherent household benefits, like existing wealth, that can give certain people an advantage.

2. Almost everyone is employed: In a true Communist structure, you are asked to contribute to the society as you are able. That means almost everyone is employed in some way. Increased employment can lead to lower crime rates, especially with a government structure which guarantees the basics of life will be provided. No role is greater than another, which reinforces the idea of true human equality.

3. Almost everyone is educated: Because the goal is to improve the society as a whole, many individuals are sent through advanced schooling so their skill sets can be improved.

4. Agriculture and manufacturing are emphasized: These two industry forces tend to be the primary drive behind a growing GDP. Communism focuses on these two areas because it provides the most needs for the fewest resources.

5. It can do away with all class systems: In a communist government, no one is royalty, and everybody has equal access to health, education and food. The country’s resources are that of the state, which is governed by a group of individuals who represent the entire mass.

6. It can dramatically decrease unemployment rates: When all members of society are able to contribute and work, there will naturally be a drop in the unemployment rate. This will also lead to a decrease in crime, as no person is coerced to commit an illegal offense to make sure his bills are paid and his family is fed. Instead, he will have the peace of mind that comes along the knowledge that there will always be plenty of work opportunities.

7. It provides citizens with all their basic needs: Communist nations make sure that even the poorest will always have food on their tables, get quality education and have access to basic healthcare. When it comes to employment, communism promises jobs for everybody, where they get access to equal opportunities.

8. It puts dictators in power: Do not misunderstand, as what is meant here is that a communist country tends to have dictators whose will is imposed on the citizens and who often see themselves as benevolent dictators, putting people’s interests first.

9. It paves the way for a strong and safe country: Because everyone is equal and there is no social disharmony, standards of living are the same. Also. The government is firmly in control and laws and foreign policies are strict, so crime rates are just low.



1. Individual rights are restricted: The goal of Communism is to have people working toward common goals and needs. For that reason, people are not free to pursue their own interests. Their job assignments are based on what the community requires for survival.

2. There is no unauthorized opposition: In a Communist structure, there is one overall entity which controls the message and agenda of the society. They have an absolute rule over the law and can even outlaw private ownership of any capitalistic items, such as currency or property.

3. People are kept in ignorance: The design of Communism feels Orwellian when implemented. The single party can control the message that people receive within their country. There is rarely any contact with the outside world that has not been screened by the government first.

4. Violence tends to be the only option for dissent: Because only authorized dissent is allowed in Communism, people who feel like their voices are not being heard tend to resort to violence or violent rhetoric to make their point.

5. Earning is limited: There are specific caps placed on the amount of income that can be earned by individuals within this structure of government. These hard caps make it difficult for innovation to grow because there is no motivation to work harder.

6. It often results in poverty: Communism might have the goal of uplifting everyone in a society, but in reality, it often drives most households into poverty. The structure is easy to manipulate for government officials because only one entity has oversight over everything in the society.

7. No savings are allowed: Even if a household were to accumulate some level of wealth, that wealth belongs to the community and not the family. There is no precedent for inheritance under true Communism because everything belongs to the singular party, state, or government.

8. Employment may go up, but meaningful employment goes down: Under Communism, you’re essentially working to earn a paycheck that you’ll never really see. You get enough to provide for yourself, but the remainder of your wages and productivity goes to benefit the community.

9. It is anti-ambition: In a communist form of government, there is just little room for you to have ambitions. Since there is equality for everyone, one cannot expect to do something out of the ordinary. Personal growth or development is not what you should strive for under this political system.

10. It can fuel poverty: The lack of industrial growth would actually end up creating an employment problem. There is little cultural, technological and social evolution, and financial improvements are also confined to a certain sector that is encouraged by the state.

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