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Pros and Cons of Isolationism

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Staying away from the affairs of others helps a country avoid costly wars and issues with other countries. After WWI, many countries grew to isolationism due to the fear of getting entangled in the affairs of other nations.

Isolationism is a philosophy used by a country to remain apart from the interactions of other groups or nations. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of practicing isolationism.


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1. Peace: Through isolationism, a country promotes peace in its activities since it’s not involved in any conflict with other nations and focuses more on its own needs.

2. Reduced spending on military budgets: When a country has an isolationist stance, there is no involvement with external conflicts and no need to keep an expensive military team. This saves the country a lot of funds which can be used in the growth of other areas.

3. Helps avoid entangling alliances: It enables a country to shy away from complicated alliances which brings more problems to the country and be involved in conflicts.

4. Focus on domestic issues: Isolationism enables a country to increase focus on its own domestic affairs without involving other nations. The country is not distracted by trying to balance its affairs and foreign affairs.

5. Help solve ethnic coexistence: Isolationism helps a country to solve issues associated with diversity and ethnic coexistence between several groups of people brought by immigration.

6. Increases productivity: Isolationism enables a nation to utilize its resources within its boundaries to create new opportunities and markets thus increasing productivity and generating more wealth.

7. Avoid wars: After WW1, the US government got into isolationism to prevent future wars and also to reduce casualties on American soldiers who are involved in wars. George Washington argued that by avoiding wars the country will recover from the WW1 losses.



1. Vulnerable to attacks: Isolating the country from world affairs makes the country more vulnerable to attacks.

2. Slow economic growth: The country is not involved in trade agreements with other nations and this affects its national economy. It resulted in less trade which led to a less stable economy.

3. Affects globalization: In today’s global market, isolationism will affect the growth of the nation since its government or state will not be able to interact and trade with other nations.

4. Affects negotiation of world peace: Isolationism prevents a nation from participating in the negotiations of world peace rather than perpetuating violence.

5. Affects inter-relationships among countries: It prevents a country from forming a good relationship with the neighboring country since it is isolated. The country will not be able to help another country involved in the holocaust or injustice dues to its isolation. It lets other countries to suffer.

6. No ally support: The nation will not get ally support for wars from other nations since it made a decision to isolate its country or state from interaction with other nations.

7. No export profit: The country will not be involved in trade agreements with other nationals and will not gain export profits from trading their produce to other nations. More tariffs were imposed on foreign goods to shield manufacturers.

8. Ruin global reputation: Isolationism angers other nations and the nation will not be able to advance outside ideas and this affects its reputation. It affected industrial growth and immigration issues in the country.

9. Weak nation: A country not actively involved in wars and conflicts makes their army and marines unexperienced to counteract any attack. Isolationism reduces the nation’s readiness to attack.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Nate

    The cons sound alot like the pros

  2. George

    how tf did George Washignton now how to fix the economy for a war that didn’t start until 115 years after his death?

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