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Pros and Cons of Newfoundland Joining Confederation

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Newfoundland was one of the countries that were colonized by the British in North America and their citizens have always been proud of their heritage. They become part of the Canadian confederation in 1949.

Joining the Canada confederation has brought about many benefits to Newfoundland. Let’s look at the pros and cons of joining the confederation.


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1. Reduce the cost of living: Joining the confederation led to a reduced cost of living. It also led to increased standards of living since more workers in Newfoundland were able to get salaries similar to other workers in other parts of Canada.

2. Better health care: Joining the Canadian confederation resulted in better health care for the citizens. The elderly and disabled were healthier and happy.

3. More resources: They will be able to get more opportunities and receive more resources from other provinces in the Canadian government. Canada is rich in various resources and a friendly country

4. Get out of debts: By joining the confederation, Newfoundland will be able to get out of debt. The Canadian government will keep its promise of paying off the debts if they joined them.

5. Bigger population: Newfoundland has few people in the province and once they join the confederation, they will get more people.

6. Goods from Britain: After joining the Canadian confederation, Newfoundland will receive a variety of goods from Canada.

7. Become more powerful: Joining other confederation countries will make the country more strong, wealthy and make trading easier.

8. Get support: They will get more support from the Canadian army and navy.

9. Ferry services: Newfoundland was promised ferry services if they joined the confederation. This will enable them to interact and stay with other provinces of Canada.

10. Easier trade: There will be a wider market for Newfoundland goods. The improved means of transport will enable them to trade with neighboring communities and countries.



1. Lose their independence: Once they joined the confederation, Newfoundland will lose their independence as a country.

2. Lose their identity: The Newfoundland province had a strong identity and was proud of their British heritage. Many people feared that they will lose their identity once they join the confederation.

3. High taxes: Joining the confederation will result in payment of higher taxes which they thought wouldn’t benefit them.

4. Lose control in government: Initially, Newfoundland had a strong government controlled by the people. They had the opportunity to choose who governed them and once they join the confederation, they will lose control.

5. Lose their youth: Newfoundland believed that once they join the confederation, Canada will change their youth and take some of them to serve in the army and navy.

6. Less population: Newfoundland was underpopulated and this means they had fewer debts and more money with them. They had their own resources and didn’t have to share them with Canada after joining the confederation.

7. Lose control of resources: Once Newfoundland join the confederation, they could lose control of their own resources.

8. Survived on its own: Over the years, Newfoundland was able to survive on its own. If they had plenty of money and resources, they could have survived on their own for a longer period.

9. Britain gave money to them: Over the years, Britain has given Newfoundland money to support themselves but if they joined the confederation, they may not get money from Britain leaving them with more debt.

10. Lose fishing industry: They may be able to lose their fishing industry.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Goofy

    my guy spelled and wrong

  2. Oddly

    Thank you! This really helped me with one of my assignments 🙂 Keep up the good work!

  3. Smart

    Really helped me thanks

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