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Pros and Cons of Theocracy

Theocracy is a system of government in which authority is derived from a religious institution. A religious person rules in the name of God or gods within its structures. This structure of government supports the majority position and it is likely to have fewer societal conflicts since most of the people have similar beliefs.


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1. Law enforcement efforts are streamlined: The US government has four levels of government; national, state, county, and local level with each level having its own form of law enforcement. In a theocracy, policies are structured based on God’s command and the rules to follow.

2. Eliminate political polarization: Theocracy ensures the spiritual and physical needs of the society are under the same governing body. Although there are a few different opinions accepted in the structure, everyone feels they’re on the same team.

3. Creates unity: Theocracy creates unity among people since their faith is directly tied to the operations of the government and the majority of the group has similar beliefs.

4. Operates efficiently: Theocracy leads to fewer delays in the implementation of government policies since the majority of people support policies set. The government sets the policies to be followed and religious institutions implement the policies.

5. High levels of societal compliance: Theocracy leads to a government with high levels of compliance. If an individual belief threatens their compliance, they tend to adjust their beliefs to meet compliance and avoid the risk associated with non-compliance.

6. Creates a centralized structure: In a theocracy system, policies emanate from a central place. The centralized structure ensures all decisions come from a central command authority. No independent actions by individuals.

7. No need for compromise: Since most of the rulers are on the same page and even those who are not, gain compliance through fear of eternal consequences. Therefore, all rulers will work towards the common objective since no interference or objection.

8. Inspired by religion: The rules and policies set by a theocracy government are drawn based on the beliefs of a certain religion and also inspired by it.

9. Follow a single religion: Theocracy structure is formed through policies of a major religion. The religious leaders hold political powers and convert followers to be theists.

10. Leads to a better world: Theocracy practices are based on holy books like the concept of loving one’s neighbor. If the elected leaders provide leadership based on this doctrine then the government resources will be well utilized in helping the needy. This leads to a better world.



1. Rarely welcome alternative opinions: Under a theocracy, you have to conform to concepts in the holy books and apply them in different ways in our lives otherwise, we risk eternal salvation.

2. Doesn’t tolerate minority groups: The views and opinions of minority groups are treated as a violation of theocracy laws and they’re punished through a jail term. Everyone should follow the doctrines set by the government.

3. Changes the beliefs of the nation: Theocracy can change the structure of their religion based on their gods and provide teachings on what they think is fit. This leads to changes in individual beliefs.

4. No unique faith: The government under theocracy structure aims at ensuring non-believers are brought into compliance. The rulers encourage them to switch their spiritual beliefs for political purposes.

5. Businesses must operate under the theocratic laws: In a theocracy, structured nations, women’s ideas are held back compared to those of their male counterparts in business. This affects business operations since women are more consistent, and innovative compared to men.

6. Selfish ambition: When a ruler attains power, he can do anything to retain his position. Most of the leaders shift from doing what is good for society and focusing on how to benefit themselves.

7. Rulers preach peace but teach discord: It is very difficult to challenge the ruler’s actions or government actions under a theocracy. The leaders will equate this action as questioning God or the gods.

8. Affects cultural expectations: Due to lack of cooperation among like-minded governments, then opportunities from international trade become scarce.

9. Not based on facts: When leaving under theocracy nation, facts don’t matter unless the government uses them to provide a solution to a problem. The faith of people is based on a spiritual perspective set by those in charge.

10. Temporary: Theocracy policies emanate from a central place and this limits the spread of alternative ideas to ensure all people have the same beliefs.

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