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Pros and cons of Sexual Reproduction

Sexual reproduction is a process that involves a combination of both the female and male gametes. Sexual reproduction is responsible for producing Offspring. The resulting Offspring has a mixture of genes and features of both parents. However, being a vital topic, it has numerous advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of sexual production

1. Creation of an offspring: Sexual reproduction helps create unique Offspring that combine the genes of both parents. Through sexual reproduction, the resulting Offspring has new and advanced features compared to parents’.

2. Controlling genetic-based diseases: In most cases, the Offspring produced is not direct of parents after reproduction. The Offspring is free from a genetic disease affecting either of the parent or both. It helps in curbing the risk of genetic-based diseases.

3. Boost brain cells: there is a massive growth of the brain in people who are sexually active as compared to those who are not. Sexual activities directly impact the state of mind, which promotes the growth of cells in the brain. In addition, activities may be involved in producing more brain cells.

4. The positive impact on health: Sexual production activities are significant in promoting health. Research shows that people, who engage in sex 1-3 times per week, have a better health condition than those who do not. Sexual activities help in reducing the risk of heart diseases.

5. Species or Offspring can easily adapt to the environment: Since sexual reproduction involves people familiar with the environment, there are higher chances that the species created with be adaptive to the environment. Therefore the Offspring can adapt to the climatically and other challenges facing the environment.

6. Genetic Diversity: When the male and female genes combine, a higher breed of genetic Offspring is made

7. Reducing congenital disabilities: There are many problems related to birth and pregnancies. Sexual reproduction plays a direct role in curbing birth-related problems. For example, a low population is solved by increasing the birth rate. It is achievable through sexual reproduction.

8. Selection of Mutations: In selecting mutations, sexual reproduction is greatly used to examine beneficial mutations. Generally, there are four types of mutations. To categorize these mutations levels, genes from reproduction are studied.

9. Production of diseases resistance offsprings: Reproduction leads to genetic diversity. When the female and male genes meet, they combine and result in a common gene. Since two other genes form the common gene, it is likely to be stronger. The Offspring can therefore have more health advantages. Genetic diversity is responsible for producing diseases resistance offspring.

10. Higher survival of the species: Sexual reproduction produces species with a higher rate of surviving than their parents do. It makes it immune, hence raising its survival rate. It is because both the female and male have diverse genes, and therefore the resulting species is a combination of both genes.

11. Extending health benefits to species: The individuals involved in sexual reproduction may enjoy health benefits. The Offspring whose parents enjoy any health benefits are likely to acquire them.

12. Source of enjoyment: Sexual activities are the main source of enjoyment for many couples. Sexual activities can release dopamine, and this is the main source of enjoyment to parties involved. Therefore, it can help to lower stress-related issues like depression and anxiety.

Cons of sexual production

1. It requires a partner: Unlike asexual reproduction, which requires only one partner, in sexual reproduction, one needs to have a partner. If you are not lucky to get a partner, it is impossible to get Offspring.

2. Problems with gestation: Most females are not capable of participating in sexual activities because they are out of childbearing age.
Similarly, bisexuals may not have the ability to participate in sexual reproduction activities due to their condition. Therefore, half of the population capable of gestation endorse this method.

3. External factors can affect the Offspring’s viability: in sexual reproduction, external factors can affect the gestation processes. For example, a drunkard mother is likely to have less healthy genes than the one who does not.

4. Transmission of genetic diseases: Numerous diseases are associated with sexual reproduction. These diseases have a profound impact on Offspring. Genetic diseases are the greatest threat when this method is used. The genes-related diseases can easily be transmitted to the species. In addition, other diseases like HIV passes to Offspring.

5. It is an option: Sexual reproduction is not a guarantee, and thus it is an option. It overrides the original purpose of sexual reproduction. Due to its numerous advantages, people tend to misuse it. People use controls measures and tools to avoid reproduction while others choose infertile mates.

6. It is deadly: During sexual reproduction activity, there is an increase in blood pressure. People who have brain aneurysm problems are at great risk during sexual reproduction. The aneurysm can rupture during mating, and one can die from bleeding. It’s best for a doctor you’re your underlying conditions.

7. Consumes time: the whole process of sexual reproduction is time-consuming. Firstly, partners have to find each other and come together to reproduce. Secondly, the mating process also consumes time.

8. Takes energy to reproduce: Like time, the reproduction process takes a lot of energy to locate another partner for the mating process. The mating process also directly affects the energies of the partners.

10. A limited number of species at a time: Unlike artificial reproduction techniques capable of producing many species, sexual reproduction is limited to a given number of species at a time. For example, most human beings can reproduce one child after the reproduction process.

11. A time it is uncertain: The sexual reproduction method is not always perfect for creating species or Offspring. In some cases, one of the partners may be infertile; hence no offspring is expected. For this reason, it’s best to seek professional help.

12. Promote the spread of sexually related diseases: Sexual reproduction method is the transmission mode of HIV and other STD diseases. Many people are fun with the process, increasing the number of infected people.

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