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Pros and Cons of Induction

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Labor induction can stimulate the uterine contractions during full-term pregnancy and before labor begins on its own to enable the mom to give birth naturally. Based on the condition of the mom, labor induction can be recommended by the healthcare provider to aid in safe vaginal delivery.

If you’re pregnant, understanding the pros and cons of induction can help you make the right decisions. The benefits may outweigh the risks associated with it, let’s take a look at them.


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1. Prevent post-term pregnancy: Labor induction is suitable in situations where you’re almost two weeks past your due date and labor hasn’t started.

2. Placental abruption: When the placenta peels off from the inner walls before delivery, inducted labor is used to aid in the delivery.

3. Low perinatal mortality rates: Elective induced labor done after 40 weeks results in reduced mortality rate and reduces the need of cesarean section.
Although it reduces perinatal death, there is a high possibility of admission of babies to special care unit.

4. End pregnancy discomfort: Labor induction helps to end the discomfort associated with pregnancy at full-term like the back pains, varicose veins, and sleep issues.

5. Lower risk of complication: In cases where the mother has high blood pressure and severe hypertension and medication of bed rest doesn’t help, induction lower complications.

6. Curb weight gain: Induction is carried out to curb the weight gain at the last weeks of the pregnancy especially when the mom has a poorly controlled gestational diabetes.

7. Certain medical conditions: If you have a certain medical condition like kidney and obesity, induction method is administered to help in the safe delivery of the baby.

8. Premature rupturing of membrane: If the membrane has already ruptured and water broken but there is no evidence of labor, induction can speed up delivery.

9. Fetal issues: If there is reduced movement of the baby or poor growth of the baby, an induction method is used.

10. To minimize infections: If the mom has an infection in the uterus and not enough amniotic fluid to surround the baby in the uterus, induction is used to help minimize the risk.



1. Low heart rate: Oxytocin and prostaglandin drugs used to induce labor may cause abnormal contractions which limits oxygen supply to the baby resulting in low heart rate.

2. Health risks: Induction process can cause hyperstimulation of the uterus making it contract too often and this can decrease blood flow to the baby.

3. Premature birth: Labor induction at pregnancy full term or close to due date can lead to premature birth. Sometimes the due date may be inaccurate and if induced, your baby may be born too early.

4. Complications: Induction done before 41 weeks of pregnancy can result in giving birth to a baby with vision and hearing problems.

5. Severe bleeding: Induction can result in severe bleeding after delivery because the uterine muscles may not contract properly after giving birth.

6. Increases risk of C-section: Labor induction, especially for a first-time mom, can result in high risk of caesarian delivery which also has its own risk.

7. Painful contractions: If your body doesn’t respond well to the drug administered during induction, it can result in painful contractions which put you at high risk of C-section.

8. Infection: Labor induction is associated with use pain medications and these drugs can contribute to rupturing of the membrane. This increases the risk of infection to both the baby and the mother.

9. Failed induction: 75% of induced mothers can have a successful vaginal delivery whereas the remaining 25% unripe cervix is, the induction will fail and a C-section has to be carried immediately.

10. Uterine rupture: Although it is a rare condition, induction can result in tearing of the uterus along the scar line prompting you to undergo a serious uterine surgery.

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