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Pros and cons of 3d scanning

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Have you ever scanned a paper document? I guess yes, that’s the most obvious answer but if No, feel at ease I will draw a nice of it into your mind. Since the introduction of simple paper scanning, the process of document conversion from physical hard copy to digital softcopy has been lessened hence a great achievement by computer scientists. Seeing a paper being placed under a flatbed scanner and within a few seconds a softcopy document with exactly the same text, being output on a computer screen is very enticing. It`s also one that does magic for many who don’t need to actually carry the document to a far remote place where it may be required, as one only needs to send the scanned copy. So what is 3D scanning? 3D scanning stands for “three Dimensional” scanning. Just like its ancestor, Paper scanning, 3D scanning is an automated computer controlled process that analyses an object, matter or an atmosphere by capturing its properties like texture, size, color or even sometimes its appearance. 3D scanning, therefore, enables the collection of more user-specific data about physical attributes of objects hence winning over its ancestor-paper scanning.



1. Very accurate: As we know a human is to error but with computerized 3d scanning, precise trigonometric measurements can be precisely recorded at ease with minimal errors. Accuracy is one of its greatest strong point considering the delicateness of structures in human fields like engineering.

2. Cost effective: Through accuracy least or even none of the resources is wasted. A recent study showed that costs were reduced by half and more than half if proper methods of 3D scanning were put in place. Also, data collected some years back from a 3D scanner can be used to create varying models in the respective field over a long period of time graphically, before the actual physical implementation of the design. This proves very economical and saves a firm its scarce monetary resources.

3. Higher production output: Since few people are involved in taking measurements or analysis done by the 3D Scanner, there are reduced workloads on employees, thus specialists need only to concentrate with the design phase or problem to be solved. The rest whom would have been given the task of say, for example, taking measurements can be comfortably allocated other fields in the firm to speed up work completion hence more profits realized due to timely production of modeled objects.

4. Less manpower involved: Due to the fact that scanning is usually a computer automated process, a corporation may choose to reduce its staff who were undertaking a given role. This can be economical for the company due to the reduced amounts of salaries paid to its employees.

5. Easy restructuring: Errors, say for example in design models that can be encountered during design, can be corrected using the sample from the scanned blueprint instead of creating a new design object from scratch. Proper positioning and alignment of the modeled design structures can also be made at ease through comparison with the 3D scanned sample.

6. Enables flexibility: Anything, whether alive or dead can be modeled or created by editing the existing 3D image graphically using suitable computer software with the help of properties captured by the scan. The presence of CAD Programs and other graphics editors is also a key promoter of its flexibility as imaginary designs are well created. To add on its flexibility, various components of a product can also be modeled by different specialist and compiled together using a computer to yield the desired complete model.

7. Gives more room to project collaboration: Due to availability of a digital copy of the real object, a graphical scan can be made by a project team in your continent but sent to be analyzed by a specialist team in another research institution or continent and the model sent back to you; for final implementation. This improves the end product.

8. Saves time: Imagine creating a blueprint from scratch of a certain product after a long tedious process of manually taking records of data about a physically real object; this would really be a lot of wearisome work. With 3d scanning, such procedures are usually automated hence least time spent.

9Easier error correction and detection: Utilizes modern computer technology hence it is easier to identify any mistakes.

10.  Allows integration: Any dedicated component can be designed to work together with 3D scanners, for example, 3D laser components can be used in robots and drones.


1. Expensive machinery: Some scanners may require one to dig deeper into their pockets and exhale a bunch of dollars to acquire and install them for use. Affordability may be a standoff.

2May require specialists to operate: Data collection and those involved should have special knowledge which may not be owned by everyone. Since it’s a recent technology, it may not be fully grown in some parts of the word.

3. May create job unemployment and job displacement: If totally implemented machines may take up human roles.

4. May encounter criticism by staff: due to fear of being fired during initial introductory stages which results in industrial go-slow.

5. Government policy barriers: Huge taxes and inter-country trade wars may limit its implementation and collaboration in some countries.

6. Contact 3D sensing may distort an object: Contact mechanisms may interfere with the general look, texture, shape or even destroy the object permanently.

7. Clarity of the scanned template depends on the kind of scanner: For a better quality of scans more expensive scanners may be required

8. Some devices or components may require a large space: Some 3D scanners may be very huge rooms for storage and running.

9. Reflections may hider scanning by laser scanners: 3D Scanners that use light may encounter reflection from objects made up of shiny materials.

10. Components require maintenance: 3D scanners need frequent checks or even repair in case of break down.

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