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Pros and Cons of jailbreaking iPhone 6

Jailbreaking is the process of exploiting the flaws of a locked-down electronic device to install software other than what the manufacturer has made available for that device. As the device owner, it allows you to gain full access to the operating system’s root and access all the features. You shouldn’t jailbreak your iPhone 6 before fully understanding jailbreaking has advantages and disadvantages. It is also important that you backup before jailbreaking. Data lost from your phone is very costly, therefore back up your phone’s data successfully. The process can clean up all of your phone content and setting. This article takes you through the pros and cons associated with jailbreaking your iPhone 6.

Pros of jailbreaking iPhone 6

1. It makes the Screen lock more useful: By default, the iOS lock screen is not all that useful. It only shows time and notifications. Jailbreaking your iPhone 6 allows you to access many tweaks that make the lock screen more useful. The lock screen can therefore put more information on it so that you can access it even without necessarily unlocking your device.

2. It allows you to use banned Apps: Apple bans many apps; hence, users cannot access them. It is due to the safety to prevent any malware from making its way. Jailbreaking, however, allows you to install these banned apps. On jailbreaking, you can download the banned apps without Appstore intervening.

3. It enables you to set default Apps: The iPhone doesn’t allow users to set default apps. Jailbreaking, however, allows you to set your default apps. You can change the iOS default app to another app after jailbreaking. For example, you can use Google Chrome rather than Safari or Google maps instead of Apple Maps.

4. It allows you to Customize the Control Center: The control center in your phone could be much better if you jailbreak your iPhone 6. You can use FlipControlCentre to switch around connectivity as well as other shortcuts. You can also add pages that can be swiped through with a view of adding shortcuts to the Control Center.

5. It enhances protection by using the Touch ID features: Touch ID on your iPhone 6 is only limited to a few apps. Jailbreaking, however, unleashes this feature. For example, the BioLockdown feature allows you to add a layer of security to your iPhone 6. Apple wouldn’t normally allow this feature.

6. Gives better anti-theft features: A couple of apps acquired through jailbreaking your iPhone 6 are better than the normal Find My iPhone. These include the iCaughtU App that takes things to a new level. Owners can set up many security features on their iPhones. When the thief enters the wrong Passcode, the front-facing camera takes their photo and emails it to the owner, along with their location and map.

7. Allows you to adjust UI Elements: When you jailbreak your iPhone 6, features like Springtone can be used. This App allows you to customize your iOS device, including hiding unused apps, creating nested folders, and resizing icons.

8. It helps create useful shortcuts: Jailbreaking your iPhone 6 makes your device simpler to use. Apps like Activator allow you to make shortcuts while using your phone.

9. Helps get rid of iOS annoyances: Many features annoy you while using your iOS. Jailbreaking your iPhone 6 allows you to get rid of these annoyances. You can then customize your phone as you like.

10. It allows you to expand 3D Touch capabilities: Jailbreaking your iPhone 6 makes 3D Touch better. Some features provide 3D Touch quick actions, making it easier to use from your phone’s screen.

Cons of jailbreaking iPhone 6

1. The danger of installing unscreened apps: Through jailbreaking, your iPhone becomes an easy target for malware. Jailbreaking allows you to install apps from any software, but you may never know whether the program you are installing contains malware.

2. It undermines the security of your phone: You may never know how secure your devices are after your iPhone 6 has been jailbroken. It is because you have completely changed the entire operating system of your phone.

3. Creates little anti-virus protection for your phone: If you jailbreak your iPhone, there will not be much anti-virus software available for your iOS.

4. System instability: Unauthorized apps can crash your iPhone 6. It is recommended that in case you jailbreak your iPhone, stick to the system Cydia provides.

5. It can destroy your device: Upon jailbreaking your iPhone, not only will you brick your iOS system, but also you will be unable to restore the device to a pristine pre- jailbroken state.

6. It makes AppleCare void: As long as you take the required safety precautions before jailbreaking your iPhone, you should be able to restore your iOS device by submitting a successful AppleCare warranty.

7. It results in device instability: Jailbreak apps on your iPhone may incur effects such as increased battery drain, increased unexpected data plan usage, reduced system performance, reduced system stability, and reduced system security.

8. Jailbreaking must be a repeated process: If you jailbreak your phone, you may run an iOS slightly behind the current one to keep your device the updated one that Apple has released.

9. Creates conflict with the IOS Version: Jailbreaking tools do not support all IOS versions. In case you want to update your device’s software, you will have to check the compatibility of your selected IOS version with those jailbreaking tools.

10. Problems with jailbreaking your device: You might not be able to jailbreak your IOS device properly, as is the process; this may cause a permanent brick in your iPhone. Therefore, you are advised to use the jailbreaking process only if you are sure of the procedure to avoid bricking your phone.

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