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Pros and Cons of Virtualization

In computing, the word virtual refers to a component that is not physically located or exists. Therefore, the word virtualization refers to a technology of connecting and running virtual computer components from a centralized component (hardware). Due to the improvement in IT, this technology is vital. Just like other things and technology, virtualization has numerous advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of virtualization

1. Reliable and available: Virtualization is a reliable technology. It allows virtual components to be available when needed. Therefore, clients and servers can communicate easily with each other. It eases the process of sharing information from the server to the client. In addition, the operations of closing and restarting the processes in virtualization are not necessary.

2. Recoverability: In some old technologies, data is usually lost while being transferred.
The virtualization process helps to protect your data during migration. It ensures information or data is protected when there is an unplanned suspension of an operation. In case of an outage, the data can be recovered from another virtual component within the network.

3. Backup and duplication: To ease the process of recovery, backing up and duplicating data is vital. The virtualization process allows data to be duplicated to the connected remote servers. After the duplication process, the data can then be backed up. Therefore, if there is a breakdown or crash of one of the remote servers, the data can be recovered from other servers.

4. Setting up: Unlike other technologies requiring complex workarounds, virtualization technology requires quick and easy moves to set up. You only need to connect the remote servers and then install the necessary operating system and other software used to run the virtual components. Therefore, you start using the technology a few hours after purchasing it.

5. Efficient use of hardware: With virtualization, the cost of purchasing much hardware is avoided. In this technique, one hardware can efficiently be used. Many instances are created on a single

6. Energy-saving plan: in the virtualization technology, few components are involved. The number of servers decreases in a virtual environment. Therefore the amount of energy consumed by the system is reduced. It helps to minimize the total cost of power used by the system. In addition, the cost of cooling the system is also reduced. The amount of power consumed is reduced. The components are not likely to overheat; therefore, the centralized hardware incurred a low cooling cost, which saves the business from spending a lot of money purchasing hardware for their servers.

7. Cost predictability: A variety of virtualization technology can be used. Due to this, the company or business can predict the total cost of the technology they want to install.

10. Entrepreneurship: The field of entrepreneurship is developing every day. Virtualization has played a great role in promoting entrepreneurship. Additionally, people from different geographical locations can transact through the network. The connected remote sensors can easily share information regardless of the geographical location.

11. Resources deployment: Virtualization promotes the deployment of resources. In this technique, the resources are deployed and provisioned faster since no physical machinery is involved. The presence of virtual machines allows faster provision of resources to the connected resources.

Cons of virtualization

1. Initial cost: The initial cost of installation is high. Remote servers and other virtual components used in the virtualization environment increase the technology’s total installation cost. Similarly, the implementation and maintenance cost is high, increasing the cost of the technology.

2. Security breach and risks: This is the common disadvantage of virtualization. Data and information are shared across the remote servers. When shared across the network, confidential data may lead to security issues.

3. Time consumption: One of the greatest drawbacks of this technology is time-consuming. During the installation process, a lot of time is consumed to set up the components and create connections.

4. Not compatible with all applications: they must be compatible for applications and servers to be used in a virtualization environment. In the real world, not all applications are compatible, which poses a great challenge when using them in a virtualization environment.

5. Connection is needed: For data to be transferred from one virtual server to another, a connection is needed. Virtualization largely depends on the network. It increases the total cost needed to maintain and run the process.

6. Training is required: Skilled technical is required to implement and run the virtualization environment. Therefore, the staff members have to be trained about the virtualized infrastructure and transmit data. The training session is time-consuming and requires resources that may not be readily available. A small business with less skilled IT experts may find this technology expensive.

7. Licensing of software: Most of the software used in the virtual environment is not found on the open market. Therefore, the company needs to purchase them and license them. It increases the total maintenance cost of the system. Other software needs to be renewed after a specific duration of time. The cost of maintaining such applications in a virtualized environment is high.

8. Hardware failure: In virtualization, many servers are controlled by one hardware. It gives rise to the problem of single-point failure. If the hardware fails, all the operations with the virtualization environment are likely to be affected. Hardware is usually the main storage location. Therefore, if an error occurs, it is likely to lose the data stored.

9. Backing up of data: Backing up of data in the virtualized environment may be simple, and other times are challenging. In a virtualization environment, there is more than one server, which poses a great challenge in backing up information. All operational data in servers have to be tracked and recorded in the backup memory. In addition, most of the common backup tools do not have virtualization features.

Therefore, virtualization is an important technology to any business and its productivity. Its advantages and disadvantages can be controlled by how the process is carried out.

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