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Pros and cons of decaf coffee

Decaf coffee is made from coffee beans and most caffeine is got removed before roasting and grinding. The coffee beans are put in an organic solvent until the caffeine is absorbed. For this reason, it has a lower quantity of caffeine. Coffee is great but it comes with downsides like insomnia, anxiety, stomach ulcers, and depression. These downsides have led to the popularity of decaffeinated coffee which has minimal caffeine. However, decaf coffee has also disadvantages. Check the pros and cons of decaf coffee below:


1. Less caffeine: Decaf coffee is the best choice for people who do not want to consume more caffeine. Pure coffee causes the improper function of the nervous system. Decaf coffee is not linked to problems associated with caffeine due to its less content. Most coffee consumers are diagnosed with mental problems such as depression and anxiety.

2. Less acidity: Coffee is linked with acidity problems. Therefore, this brings to induces stomach ulcers. Decaffeinated coffee has less acid. It is great for people who have stomach conditions like ulcers. Pure coffee has high caffeine content hence it can worsen the condition.

3. Contains antioxidants: Coffee is one of the common sources of antioxidants in today’s diet. The antioxidants present include polyphenols and hydrocinnamic. Antioxidants protect the body cells from free radicals that cause chronic diseases like cancer and heart diseases. Also, they improve vision, lower aging, fight moods, and help the body to fight neurological disorders. The radicles are made when you break down food or the body is exposed to radiation.

4. Nutrients: Decaf coffee comes with many nutrients. One cup of coffee contains 4.8% potassium, 2.4% magnesium, and 2.5% niacin. Potassium is an important mineral in the human body. It assists in balancing fluid, regulates nerve signals, and contraction of muscles. Also, it lowers water retention, kidney stones, blood pressure, prevents osteoporosis, and stroke. Moreover, magnesium helps in the functioning of the body, regulates blood pressure, cholesterol, and helps the body to have a good rhythm.

5. Contains vitamins: This coffee has essential vitamins like vitamin B. These vitamins found in caffeine helps to relieve headaches. You can keep the pain away by using ibuprofen, aspirin, and acetaminophen. This helps to boost the common headache from stress and fatigue. In addition to that, this coffee is great for aging people who experience hypnic headaches. This rare condition makes a person wake up in the middle of the night.

6. Protects teeth and bone: Decaf coffee contains calcium. It can be used as a supplement to calcium. This mineral is important for building healthy bones and teeth. In addition to that, it helps in the clotting of blood, healthy heartbeat, and contraction of muscles.

7. Prevents heart attack: Heart attack is caused when the blood transported to the heart is blocked. This blockage results from excessive cholesterol and fat in the body. Decaf coffee is connected to a lower risk of getting heart attacks. Common signs of heart attack are fatigue, cold sweat, dizziness, nausea, pressure, heartburn, and abdominal pain. Other signs are indigestion, breathing problems, pain in the neck, and arms. You need to visit a doctor as soon as you start experiencing such problems.

8. Good for the liver: A study shows that drinking coffee is good for the liver. This occurs when the body gets caffeine; it creates a chemical known as paraxanthine. This chemical lowers the growing rate of scar tissues that causes fibroids. Therefore, it fights diseases like liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, hepatitis C, and non-alcohol liver diseases.

9. Boost body metabolism: Metabolism is referred to as a chemical reaction in the body that maintains the state of living organisms. Caffeine speeds up the rate of metabolism.

10. Lowers premature death: The common causes of premature death are conditions like stroke, cancer, liver disease, lung diseases, and heart diseases. A healthy lifestyle can help to reduce chronic conditions. Decaf coffee reduces the risk of premature death.

11. Reduce type 2 diabetes: Type 2 diabetes is developed when the body does not respond to insulin. It also occurs when the pancreas cannot make enough insulin. Factors that contribute to diabetes include food, environmental factors, and genetic factors. Research says that decaffeinated coffee reduces levels of insulin.


1. Heart diseases: Decaf coffee is not good for the heart. Research shows that coffee increases the levels of cholesterol in the blood. Decaf coffee is free from caffeine because the beans used have a high-fat content than the ones used in caffeinated coffee. Henceforth, it promotes cardiovascular diseases. It is recommended to cut do the consumption of decaf coffee if you have high cholesterol in the body. Besides, you can visit a doctor to discuss an alternative way for you.

2. Acidity: Even though decaf coffee has low caffeine, drinking a high amount increases the concentration of serum gastrin. This hormone is responsible for causing the production of stomach acid. Stomach acid leads to acidity.

3. Rheumatoid arthritis: Drinking decaf coffee is connected to rheumatoid cancer. On the other hand, caffeinated coffee is not linked to arthritis. The reason behind this condition is the processing of the coffee.

4. Headache: Individuals who are used to consuming coffee can experience withdrawal symptoms like headaches. It can stay for up to one week. get rid of a coffee headache by drinking water, resting, using a pain reliever, taking peppermint oil, and satisfying the craving.

5. Slow nervous system: Methylene chloride is used during the decaffeination process. This chemical slows the nervous system. as a result, it triggers nervous symptoms.

6. Fatigue: Coffee does not make you feel tired. The caffeine founds in coffee blocks adenosine. A neurotransmitter is produced when the caffeine is unblocked. Therefore, it leads to fatigue.

7. Nausea: Regular coffee drinkers can feel nausea in case they skip a day without coffee.

8. Drowsiness: Feeling drowsiness is a sign of withdrawal symptoms. You can avoid drawbacks by drinking 400mg of coffee per day. Also, you can use a small amount of sugar.

9. Affects absorption of iron: Coffee including decaffeinated has chlorogenic acid. This acid affects the absorption of iron.

10. Pain: Caffeine is great pain relief but also causes pain. It shortens the blood vessels surrounding the brain and expands when you stop taking coffee. This brings pain.

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