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Pros and Cons of Having Door less Shower on your Home

With an increase in housing units, many countries have experienced sudden changes in their design. Every house design comes with a shower installed in it. A shower is a very basic necessity that must never be omitted during the construction of any shelter.

Over the past few years, we have witnessed the construction of showers which are doorless. Doorless showers are also known as walk-in showers. This design is becoming more founded and is continuously receiving massive support from many people. If well designed, a doorless shower has its countless benefits. These include:


Pros ;

1. Ease of access: Doorless showers give its user the opportunity to just walk in without the need to open a door. People with disabilities are also free to use them without physical restrictions.

2. Proper ventilation: With a doorless shower, there are ample amounts of air circulating freely. Some doors may prevent the free flow of air making the bathroom smelly. Doorless shower ensures that the person taking a shower is at ease, enjoys the shower,  and also is in a relieving experience.

3. Easy to implements a luxurious feel: With high technologies and designs, a well-styled up and cozy doorless shower will deliver great opulence to its owner. The person taking the shower may sometimes like the bathroom to the extent that he or she does not feel like exiting the shower.

4. Easier to clean: Having a door may sometime prevent access to some dirty spots during cleaning. Due to the spacious shower rooms available in doorless showers, it`s easier to clean the shower as there are nor hindrances.

5. Inexpensive: You don’t need a door and its parts as well as curtains. They are not a must in a doorless shower. This might reduce the overall costs of building the shower. It would also be costly to replace doors and locks that may fail to work as expected.

6. Least stink: With proper ventilation and proper cleaning, doorless showers rarely stink. All dirty spots of the shower are easy to identify in doorless showers than in one fitted with doors. This is a good advantage as compared to the door fitted shower counterparts which are prone to smell if not well maintained.

7. Fewer breaks and repairs: Since there are few moving bathroom components, it means that few parts will wear out or break. This eliminates the many repairs done probably at the end of about two or more months to replace broken shower items.

8. Least falls: Due to the wet and sometimes slippery environments in a bathroom, struggling to open the door when getting into the shower or when one intends to exit may accidentally lead to the person falling.

9. Enables construction of partial walls to separate showers: A big room is subdivided into smaller doorless showers using a partial wall. You can complement the wall with tiles or glass to exhibit a sleek and luxurious look.

10. Looks spacious: Doorless showers impose an impression of more space to the owner. A big room is partitioned using decorative materials like glass to create more bathrooms walls. Door components which are absent lead to this phenomenon. Doorless showers are also faced by limitations like:


Cons ;

1. Reduced privacy: There is no privacy when taking a shower in a doorless shower. Someone from outside can see you. Measures like installation of curtains should be put in place to safeguard one’s privacy while in shower.

2. Less secure: Those living in countries or states with crime reputation and insecurity issues may find it hard to have such showers. This is because anyone with ill intentions can access it.

3. Colder showers: These kinds of showers may turn very cold especially in places with windy weather conditions or during cold winters. This may force the owner to install warming equipment to curb this.

4. Poor designs can lead to water overflow: In case the design is not considerate about how and where to direct excess water, the water may flow to other places near the bathroom which can be messy.

5. Constrains a person to shower at its corners: The person taking the shower is less likely to use the entrance side. They fear someone to see them naked as they pass nearby.

6. May require half a wall to prevent water overflow: Building such a wall may require added costs during the initial construction of the shower.

7. Requires Non-slippery floor: During construction, the tiles and materials chosen must eliminate the state of slipperiness for secure bathing to its users.

8. High changeover costs: When one intends to redesign his or her old shower design, for example, one that has a door fitted to the doorless one, it may be very expensive. It would require experts in design who may charge extra fees to rebuild the new doorless shower.

9. Requires a well-fitted floor with the proper draining system: Failure to take care of the draining system may lead to water flooding.

10. May require a very competent designer and experts: An expert in decor must be sought after for one to fully enjoy its benefits.

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