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Pros and Cons of Twitter

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Twitter is a social network site that allows you to broadcast short tweets to over 330 million users. Businesses use Twitter to connect and reach out to the targeted audience. Creating a free Twitter account will allow for two way communication and enable you to reach a wide audience.


Table of Contents


1. Easy to use: You can easily create a post for your followers. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to come with a specific message to post. It takes a few minutes to craft a tweet.

2. Twitter analytics: Twitter allows your followers to like and share your tweets. This can be used to analyze your impact to the target audience and boost your brand.

3. Share ideas and access to news: 44% of people always turn to Twitter for breaking news than in any other social medium. They can also use Twitter to share ideas with others.

4. #hashtag power: Twitter allows you to use hashtags to reach more audience on a targeted topic and track the number of retweets received.

5. Deliver customer service: Twitter allows two-way communication. You can interact with your target audience and build your reputation.

6. Offline Tweet-Up: This feature allows you to share information with people in a specific geographical area. You can easily schedule virtual meetups anywhere or even arrange to meet your followers in a specific area.

7. Automate tweets: Twitter allows you to automate tweets. You can write all the tweets you want to be posted and then schedule them out on when you want them posted and the Twitter tool will automate them.

8. Free account: You can create an account for free and manage or hire someone to manage it for you. You can also pay for promoted tweets in your account making it a pocket friend budget for businesses.

9. Predict the future: There is a strong belief that you can predict the future outcomes based on what people posts, how they’re feeling and their behavior.

10. Self-promotion: It is a good avenue to market yourself especially when looking for work. Many employers are using the social site to reach out for candidates. You can also use Twitter to promote your business brand.



1. Time wastage: The more time you spend online keeping up with the tweets or crafting new tweets may affect your productivity.    

2. Creating balance on posted content: Sometimes you may come out as a spammer. Create a balance between the posted content and ensure you interact effectively on the platform.

3. 280-character limit: You only have up to 280 characters to express yourself on Twitter. This can be a challenge if you can’t communicate effectively and briefly.

4. Everyone is watching: If you misuse Twitter by posting trash information can haunt you later and can be a recipe for career trouble. A recent study shows employers can reject a potential candidate because of provocative Twitter profile.

5. Time-sensitive: You should always send your tweets when the majority of the target audience are online otherwise they will end up missing the tweets.

6Resources: To maintain your online presence requires time and your commitment. You should have the right skills to maintain online audience.

7. Criticism: Most customers complains about the product or service online. All the negative complain can have a negative impact on the business if not properly handled.

8. More users: The more users joining Twitter the more tweets created and your target audience may not follow you exclusively. Some followers may not see your content due to large volumes of content created.

9. Longer tweets: Creating longer tweets may be boring for your audience and some of them may miss on the message you’re communicating to them.

10. The credibility of published content: Due to a lot of fake news in the social network, you have to prove yourself as a credible and reliable source before building your online community.

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